Wednesday, July 29, 2009

An arthropod is an invertebrate that has an exoskeleton (external skeleton), a segmented body, and jointed attachments called appendages. Arthropods are animalsbelonging to the Phylum Arthropoda (from Greek ἄρθρον arthron, "joint", and ποδός podos "foot", which together mean "jointed feet"), and include the insects, arachnids,crustaceans, and others.

I am interested in the link between arthropods - architecture - computers particularly the way the built environment often mimics or attempts to replicate the natural biological world in both macro and micro form: from urbanism to basic structure.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

vase render

this is my vase. It is lovely. It was created by using a mixture of rotate, boolian differences and subtracting. Basic lights and materials where used and the flower was added in photoshop, post production of the render.

Tutorial 1 - Rhino

PLuck-a --Duck

A refreshing spin on a rhino favourite

fit ball flip