Thursday, September 17, 2009

Wind power is a small contributor of energy in Australia – as of 2008, approximately 1% of Australia's electricity is sourced from wind power,[1] the majority of which (60%) is produced by South Australia's nine operating wind farms. The rest can be found in Victoria (five), Western Australia (five), and NSW (four). Construction of several wind farms is underway, and several projects were approved in 2008 and are set to be built in Victoria and South Australia. Due to government legislation and private investment, wind power generation is exponentially increasing and in the coming years will continue to grow; by 2020, more than 20% of Australia's energy could be sourced from wind power. -

The broad context of nature and architecture and computing calls for me to pinpoint a topic and work on that from now on. I attempt to use the structures in nature to create a moving functional structure that proposes an alternative to wind turbines and offer an aesthetic componant to this structure. This image reflects this line of thinking, coupled with the video showing theo Jansen's structural art below.